Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Is depression real?

Is depression real or is it just a label? I often ask myself this question or at least i have in the past. After years of soul searching, going through stages of my life where i have delved into the darkest portions of my being through to running a million miles an hour from the sometimes painful truth, i've discovered that labelling myself as 'depressed' doesn't really help. In fact I've come to the conclustion that buying into the label of 'depression' often gives us an excuse to avoid looking at the truth, which we all feel to some extent or another.

So what is depression? Its different for everyone, but for me i could probably sum it up as a combination of loneliness, intense sadness, supressed anger, self hatred, and a sever lack of acceptance for my self and the present situation. From what i have observed in myself and those close to me, it is a result of a deep seated desire to change who i am, and find a recipe for avoiding pain, forever. However, just as there is no recipe for happiness, there is no recipe to avoid pain.

So how do we accept ourselves as we are? That involves a fundamental shift in the way we think. Why not start by instead of seeking happiness (as a distraction from what is really going on) and avoiding pain, why not seek out our pain and give our happiness away, instead of suffocating it. Even better learn to just be with ourselves no matter what the discomfort.

Love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." Nelson Mandela